Proposal for Sale of the Property at 272 Clinton Ave.
I seek and ask for your involvement at our January, 2022 meeting to authorize the sale of the property at 272 Clinton Ave. and use the proceeds in a manner consistent with Federal and State non-profit law, to either endow the DGT Foundation, a charitable institution, or as a gift to another educational or charitable organization of DGT Alumni Association’s choosing, including but not limited to Pratt Institute, our Alma Mater.
Happy New Year!
I write this note, not as an officer of DGT Alumni Association, but as one concerned member to other members I am able to reach. I vacated my last office, Secretary of the Board, in April 2021. I had served as an officer, including President and Secretary, between January 2012 and April 2021. I seek and ask for your involvement at our Annual, 2022 membership meeting to authorize the sale of the property at 272 Clinton Ave. and use the proceeds in a manner consistent with Federal and State non-profit law, to either endow the DGT Foundation, a charitable institution, or as a gift to another educational or charitable organization of DGT Alumni Association’s choosing, including but not limited to Pratt Institute, our Alma Mater. Going forward, in my view, the potential liabilities and risks to the organization, its officers and members vastly outweigh any benefits. Most importantly, our tenants and any other users of the building face potentially significant risks as well, as the building continues to age and deteriorate.
Through thick and thin, since 2006, volunteer members of DGT Alumni Association have been stewards of the property and promoters of new programing, namely Gallery House Internship Program. It has been a personally rewarding effort engaged in by usually, since 2012, between seven and ten members, some of whom are now in their early 70s such as me, some even older, and some younger. They have put in countless hours of work and there is much we can itemize on a list of accomplishments. However, the facts remain. The building is likely worth somewhere in the range of $3million, possibly more, but no way has been yet detailed and fully pursued to raise the $1.5million at the very least to carry out needed renovation and restoration of the magnificent 19th century building we called home. Income took a hit during the last two years of Covid. There has been one unit in the building with tenants who have not paid rent as called for in their lease. Tenants in New York State have been protected from eviction by law. Through New York State’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) we have so far been able to recover all but $10,000 as of reports and correspondence by our treasurer that I recently read.
The shortfall in income and cash flow has hampered or slowed our ability to make even small needed or desirable repairs. Although a Committee for Renovation and Restoration of the Property was formed and has met regularly to advise the Board through engaging in design, construction and financing planning, it too is dependent on individuals who are challenged by family obligations, their own business activities, as well as age sometimes combined with illness. I frankly don’t see that we are or can move forward in the required expeditious manner. The work of the committee and their dedication has been formidable. If there is any reason, I can offer to sum it up, it is that I, and perhaps others, overestimated the ability of members to become involved beyond paying dues. We have not been able to replace ourselves. We all simply have challenging commitments to life, family and work that naturally take precedence. I sense burnout is likely or very possible for our Treasurer, Tom Wong. Trust me, I handled the tasks of setting up and maintaining the books before handing them over to him and a bookkeeper. Our tax reporting to IRS, NY State, NY City and NY State Charities Bureau have now been in order for a decade. We lose Tom as Treasurer, and our challenges and risks will increase dramatically.
In closing, the Board, under New York State Law, has fiduciary responsibility for the organization. It means they must take steps to safeguard the assets of the organization. That is their responsibility. The House is both and asset and a liability, and operating it for rental in a housing market for the general public is a significant liability and a financial risk to the Board, even as we have maintained Directors and Officer’s Liability Insurance since 2012. As a member I ask that you join me at the annual membership meeting, usually held on the last Saturday of January, in directing the Board to sell the property and explore, at the very least, options for use of the proceeds of the sale, consistent with Federal (IRS) and New York State Non-Profit Laws.
Quarterly Membership Meeting
This is a reminder that the next DGT Alumni Association’s Quarterly Membership Meeting will take place, via Zoom on Saturday, July 31, starting at 12:00 noon, Eastern.
This is a reminder that the next DGT Alumni Association’s Quarterly Membership Meeting will take place, via Zoom on Saturday, July 31, starting at 12:00 noon, Eastern. To participate, using a computer or mobile device use the following link: DGTAA Quarterly Meeting.
Changes in Leadership and Leadership Structure Result From the Spring 2021 Membership Meeting of DGT Alumni Association
By acclamation, members in attendance at the May 1 Quarterly Membership Meeting of DGT Alumni Association (DGTAA) elected Mike Neiman of Newtown, CT to the position of Secretary, and also elected John Pagan of Rochester, NY as Recording Secretary.
By Gil Gerald
A new Twenty-first Century Generation of DGT Alumni is targeted for increased participation in the governance of DGTAA
By acclamation, members in attendance at the May 1 Quarterly Membership Meeting of DGT Alumni Association (DGTAA) elected Mike Neiman of Newtown, CT to the position of Secretary, and also elected John Pagan of Rochester, NY to the newly created position of Recording Secretary. Neiman is a 1967 Pratt graduate in Food Science and Management. John Pagan graduated from the School of Architecture in 1971. The position of Recording Secretary is one of two new Board seats established during the meeting with ratification as a Bylaws change to occur at a second reading of the motion at the next quarterly meeting which is scheduled for July 31, 2021. The other newly created Board seat is for a Member-at-Large. By consensus reflected in the discussion in support of the motion, members agreed to target the seat to be filled by individuals who are among recent graduates of the Gallery House Program, and preferably with training in Communications Design. There was agreement that the position of Secretary had become burdensome given the responsibilities involved. These included duties as an officer such as being a signatory on official documents, recordkeeping, corresponding, maintaining the organization’s electronic database of its members, acknowledging donations, and serving as administrator of DGTAA’s website and social media sites on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. With the election of Neiman and Pagan, Gil Gerald (author of this article) of Cathedral City, CA retires from service as a Board Member and will no longer serve in that capacity for the first time since January, 2012. He does, for the time being remain President of the DGT Foundation, the tax-exempt non-profit arm of DGTAA and a member of the House Restoration and Renovation Committee. The current 2021 Board of DGTAA now includes Tom Fiorella, of Brooklyn, NY as President, Asa Maria Camnert of Norrtalje, Sweden as Vice President, Tom Wong of River Edge, NJ as Treasurer, Mike Neiman of Newtown, CT as Secretary, John Pagan of Rochester, NY as Recording Secretary, and Anne Marie Michael of Pompton Lakes, NJ as Sargent-at-Arms. The seventh position is scheduled to be filled by election at the upcoming July meeting. Members interested in running for that position should contact
DGT Welcomes Fall 2020 Gallery House Interns as Members of DGT
DGT Alumni Association, Inc., on February 21, 2021, formally inducted and welcomed three new Pratt Institute students as members. They are the Fall 2020 Gallery House Interns, Maura Kelly, Bailey Kirshner, and Mathew Kim, all Communications Design Seniors scheduled for graduation this spring 2021. During the ceremony and celebration, held via Zoom, current Gallery House coaches Meghan Rose Aubuchon and Cassidy Jackson reported that Spring Semester 2021 Gallery House was underway, including having successfully enrolled three new Interns and conducted the first internship group session. Congratulations to all new members and special thanks to Meghan and Cassidy. The concluding fall 2020 class raised more than $1,500 being donated to a local, Bedford Stuyvesant based non-profit, Playground Youth, Inc. Playground Youth is a community-based organization operating out of Playground Coffee Shop in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. The organization supports the Bed-Stuy community by ensuring a safe space to exchange art, cultural knowledge, and strategies. The charity tackles a range of community needs including literacy, food equity, and arts & culture through a range of accessible programs and events. The funds donated this year by Gallery House were the most raised and given away by any Gallery House class since the program started in 2015.
2021 Annual Membership Meeting Set for 11:00 a.m. Eastern, Saturday, January 30, 2021 via Zoom
The 2021 Annual Membership Meeting of DGT Alumni Association will take place online, on Saturday, January 30, 2021 starting at 11:00 am Eastern (NY), via Zoom. Key agenda items include ELECTION OF THE 2021 BOARD Of DIRECTORS and its Officers, as well as review of finances and reports regarding Gallery House and the progress being made in planning for restoration and renovation of the property at 272 Clinton Ave.
View from 3rd Floor Rear Unit
The 2021 Annual Membership Meeting of DGT Alumni Association will take place online, on Saturday, January 30, 2021 starting at 11:00 am Eastern (NY), via Zoom. Key agenda items include ELECTION OF THE 2021 BOARD Of DIRECTORS and its Officers, as well as review of finances and reports regarding Gallery House and the progress being made in planning for restoration and renovation of the property at 272 Clinton Ave.
To be eligible to vote on motions, Alumni of Delta Gamma Theta (Alpha and Omega), Tau Delta Phi, and of Gallery House must be current on their annual dues payment of $10. All members can be present and participate in discussion regardless of their status with respect to dues. Checks may be mailed to Tom Wong, Treasurer, DGT Alumni Association, 272 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11205. Dues and donations may also be sent via PayPal to DGT Alumni Association or to DGT Foundation. Payments via Venmo should be addressed to @Resident-Manager, and if using Zelle, payments should be addressed to
To participate in the meeting online, via Zoom, the instructions are as follows:
Quarterly Meeting of DGT Alumni Association
DGT’s Secretary, Gilberto Gerald, is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: DGT Alumni Association Annual Meeting 2021
Time: 11:00 a.m. Eastern (New York)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Gil Gerald, Secretary
It’s Great to Be DGT/TDF!
Fall 2020 Semester's Gallery House Exhibit Will Be a Virtual Show
By Meghan Aubuchon
Way back in the spring (which now feels like it was years ago!), Gallery House was in the process of putting together an exhibition called “Turning Points.” This show was to feature works that exemplified a shift in the thinking and process of their makers. At the time of its conception, none of us could have imagined the year that was ahead of us, or how apt this idea would become. With the continuing impact of Covid-19, we have all had to figure out many ways, big and small, to shift our thinking about nearly everything. When we made the decision to cancel our Spring 2020 show, we were prepared for the possibility that a physical show like the one we’d been planning may not be an option. We began discussing and preparing for a virtual show.
By Meghan Aubuchon
Way back in the spring (which now feels like it was years ago!), Gallery House was in the process of putting together an exhibition called “Turning Points.” This show was to feature works that exemplified a shift in the thinking and process of their makers. At the time of its conception, none of us could have imagined the year that was ahead of us, or how apt this idea would become. With the continuing impact of Covid-19, we have all had to figure out many ways, big and small, to shift our thinking about nearly everything. When we made the decision to cancel our Spring 2020 show, we were prepared for the possibility that a physical show like the one we’d been planning may not be an option. We began discussing and preparing for a virtual show.
After cancelling the spring show, the lead coaches gave spring interns the option of returning in the fall to successfully complete the program. We were very fortunate to find that 3 out of 4 of our interns were interested in doing so, and excited to work together to imagine a new way of structuring the program and the exhibition itself. Interestingly, it turned out that all 3 of the interns that chose to continue are graphic design students now in their senior year. These students have combined experience in coding and web design, skills that will be to the program’s advantage in putting together a digital show. These skills are amazing in addition to their other design and creative thinking abilities that seemed initially relevant when hired back in the spring for a physical show.
As lead coaches, our goals for this fall semester are to 1) put together a successful show using virtual and digital elements that can be accessed widely and safely during Covid-19, 2) engage the Pratt community as much as possible in ways that pique interest in Gallery House as a program and an art space, and 3) attract future internship applicants for the spring to keep the program’s momentum. This third point is especially important, as we were unable to find new applicants to fill the 4th internship spot for the fall. We feel more than confident that our original team of 3 will be completely capable of a semester that accomplishes these goals, but it is important that students continue to express interest in the internship after this semester is over so that we can have a Spring 2021 exhibition as well.
We will be having our first meeting of the school year as a group of five this Friday, October 17th to discuss these goals and how we can approach and implement them as creatively and effectively as possible. We will also be discussing a timeline. Prior to this meeting, each of us have some of our own ideas about what this virtual show will look like, but more exciting is the thought of how these ideas will change and evolve once they are mixed together. We want to go in with open minds and let the fall show reflect our original idea from the spring about “turning points,” — ultimately, this semester will serve as a turning point in our understanding of what a Fine Arts exhibition, and an art community, can look like.
Meghan Aubuchon is one of two Coaches for Fall 2020 Gallery House
Getting Over This Hump Too - Restoring and Renovating 272 Clinton Ave.
The 272 Clinton Ave. Restoration and Renovation Work Group has met eight times since August 2020. The group was established as an advisory group to the DGT Alumni Association Board of Directors as that Board considered various pending issues, inclusive of alternative financing and property development scenarios, whether or not to pay for the services of real estate development specialists given the volunteer nature of a Board newly burdened with additional property management issues related to COVID-19. Much has been accomplished by the workgroup.
By Gil Gerald
DGT, in various incarnations and under various names, survived and thrived beyond World War I (1914 -1918), Spanish Flu (1918 - 1920), the Great Depression (1929 - 1939), World War II (1939 - 1945) and much more since then. So it will be, once again, with the COVID-19 era and the waning of Greek letter fraternities on many campuses, including at Pratt Institute. DGT’s Gallery House Internship Program has the potential to continue and improve on providing a meaningful and memorable shared experience for undergraduates in a manner that is professionally and culturally responsive to many of today’s generation of Pratt Students. It is in its fifth year of functioning and development.
272 Clinton Ave.
As with challenges in the past, now, in a time when the whole country is politically and socially frayed and this fraying is sometimes reflected in our family life, among friends, among workplace colleagues, and in too often difficult discourse over social media, a group of ten DGT Alumni have been productively meeting every other week, via Zoom. They have been resolutely unified in strengthening and continuing our professional and social bonds as they pursues the goal of renovating and restoring 272 Clinton Ave. consistent with DGT’s new mission adopted in 2014. This group of ten alumni represent the span of more than half a century of DGT history. It includes six who are graduates of Pratt Institute’s School of Architecture, two from the Engineering School, and two from Art and Design.
The 272 Clinton Ave. Restoration and Renovation Workgroup has met nine times since August 2020. The group was established as an advisory body to the DGT Alumni Association’s Board of Directors as that Board considered various pending issues, inclusive of alternative construction financing and property development scenarios, and whether or not to go forward and pay for the services of real estate development specialists given the volunteer nature of a Board newly burdened with additional property management issues related to COVID-19. Turnover in tenants increased and rental income decreased.
Much has been accomplished by the workgroup. Notably, a Pratt Alumna, Jennifer Gerakaris, a Sigma Sister in undergraduate life and the spouse of Brother Kostas Gerakaris, has volunteered in-kind services as the Architect for the project. This alone represents significant costs savings. A project timeline through construction has been developed and a preliminary total budget of $1.2 million has been established. This amount represents a total to be financed, including anticipated fees, retiring an existing mortgage of roughly $225,000, and other anticipated costs. The workgroup formally voted in favor of a key recommendation to the Board that calls for keeping the building use under it’s current classification as a single room occupancy residential building (SRO). The group agrees that the renovated units will be attractive and affordable alternatives for students and working individuals.
Jennifer Gerakaris is a Partner at Peter Pennoyer, Architects, renown for its restoration work. The consensus of the group is to support the approach Gerakaris is taking in designing for the restoration and renovation of the property. Great care will be taken with the exterior of the building as required by law for structures in the Clinton Hill Historic Preservation District. Great care will also be taken in the restoration and preservation of the interior features and details of the main floor, including the Chapter Room and Bar Room which will continue to function as common space, and reception and exhibit space for Alumni and Gallery House. The stairwell and halls are also to be restored and preserved.
The workgroup is wrestling with many issues in an uncertain time, including the market for the proposed renovated units and the extent to which future income will be sufficient to cover the financing of the project. This aspect of planning is underway. Preliminary conversations have begun with potential lending institutions and with potential private lenders and agents experienced at bringing such lenders to the table with relatively more favorable financing terms. There is optimism, based on these conversations, that DGT has sufficient equity in the property to obtain an affordable $1.2 million loan.
The committee is also weighing and looking at alternatives for how the needed resources can be raised, at least in part, through one-time special gifts from DGT members, various tax incentives and grants that may be available for historic preservation, as well as financing through a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) of DGT members who provide the financing in part or whole as a long term investment.
The DGT Board of Directors and the whole body of DGT Alumni is indebted to and grateful for the volunteer effort underway and being provided by Chuck Anderson, Paul Fletcher, Vern Ford, Tom Fiorella, Gil Gerald, Jennifer Gerakaris, Kostas Gerakaris, Anne Marie Michael, John Pagan, and Tom Wong.
Gil Gerald is current Secretary and Former President of the DGT Board of Directors.
DGT Congratulates Pratt Graduating Class of 2020
DGT Alumni Association (DGT) and its members, involving seven decades of Pratt Institute (Pratt) alumni, congratulates the Pratt graduating class of 2020. Among Pratt students graduating this year are four individuals DGT singles out by name. They are Traci Abbott, Laura Arike, Aaron Cohen and Ren Peale, all of whom spent one semester of their undergraduate life participating as Intern’s in DGT’s signature program, Gallery House.
Laura Arike, Pratt Graduating Class of 2020, among four former Gallery House Interns also graduating this year
DGT Alumni Association (DGT) and its members, involving seven decades of Pratt Institute (Pratt) alumni, congratulates the Pratt graduating class of 2020. Among Pratt students graduating this year are four individuals DGT singles out by name. They are Traci Abbott, Laura Arike, Aaron Cohen and Ren Peale, all of whom spent one semester of their undergraduate life participating as Intern’s in DGT’s signature program, Gallery House. We wish these four and all Pratt graduates much success in their professional endeavors going forward even as there are clear and present headwinds facing the U.S. and world economies. May you prosper and succeed in life as you define that.
Restoration and Renovation Work Group Set to Meet, Additional Members Being Sought.
DGT Alumni Association (DGT) is proceeding immediately to develop a work group made up of DGT members to come up with an updated plan to help guide Mann & Wolf in putting together a development package for the old fraternity house. DGT members who are interested in being part of this process that will lead in determining the scope, program and design approach for the project should indicate their interest via email to Tom Fiorella (, DGT President.
272 Clinton Ave. as it appeared in spring during the early 1970s as a Magnolia tree blossomed.
While delaying for at least a few weeks the signing of a retainer for the services of Andrew Plyler, Attorney with Mann & Wolf. LLP, DGT is committed to moving forward with its strategic objective of renovation for 272 Clinton Ave. DGT is carefully monitoring the impact of Covid-19 on rental income from the property and consequent level of available and reserve funds, at the moment, to support paying professional fees for the services being sought from Mann & Wolf. In the interim, DGT Alumni Association (DGT) is proceeding immediately to develop a work group made up of DGT members to come up with an updated plan to help guide Mann & Wolf in putting together a development package for the old fraternity house.
The development package will include analysis of financial feasibility, development of an overall project budget, securing financing, selection and engagement of an architectural design firm, as well as securing construction management and a long-term property management solution. During the Quarterly Membership Meeting, held online, via Zoom on April 25, members gave a green light to setting up a working group of DGT members to provide the updated schematic plan and guidance to the DGT Board and Mann & Wolf.
The first meeting of the work group is set for Saturday, May 16, at 11:00 a.m., Eastern, via Zoom. Five individuals have already agreed to serve on this work group which will report to the DGT Board of Directors. Additional members are sought. Already agreeing to serve on the working group are Paul Fletcher, Vern Ford, Kostas Gerakaris, Anne Marie Michael, and John Pagan. DGT members who are interested in being part of this process that will lead in determining the scope, program and design approach for the project should indicate their interest via email to Tom Fiorella (, DGT President.
Some of the questions the group will address include but are not limited to the following: (1) What changes if any should DGT incorporate into a preliminary schematic design developed in 2014? (2) Will it be necessary and should DGT pursue a solution involving the need for and granting of a zoning variance? (3) How and to what extent will DGT preserve and restore some of interior spaces and details, particularly on the chapter room floor and in the stairwell that are meaningful to members who lived in the building and to the current use of the space as a private gallery, while also updating the functionality of the space? (4) How can desired improvements be carried out within a realistic budget and financing framework consistent with the local, Clinton HIll rental market?
The 2014 schematics principally featured a duplex that involved the garden floor and main floor, and three floor-through rental units, one each on the second, third and fourth floors above. The duplex unit would essentially be the unit occupied by DGT, with sleeping rooms, for members such as students involved in Gallery House.
Pursuing Solutions for Renovation and Restoration Work at 272 Clinton Ave.
In a March conference call with DGT’s President, Treasurer, Secretary and Tax Accountant (John Sattler, CPA PC of Sattler & Co.), Plyler indicated that Mann & Wolf could assist DGT to identify and obtain a financing solution along with property and design and construction management services within a framework that takes into account the substantial equity in the property, the potential marketability and profitability of renovated rental units, and our desire for continued use of the property for Gallery House and DGT reunions and meetings.
Fashioning a relevant future out of a memorable past at 272 Clinton Ave. This photo was taken at the Yesterday’s Tomorrow Exhibit of Gallery House
The DGT Alumni Association’s (DGT) Board of Directors, Tom Fiorella, Asa Maria Camnert, Tom Wong, Gil Gerald and Anne Marie Michael, is set to meet on Saturday, April 11 to make a final decision on retaining Attorney Andrew Plyler, Associate at Mann and Wolf, LLP. If retained the firm will be engaged to assist DGT in nailing down and initiating a wraparound facility development project, including a financing solution. Mann & Wolf specialties include residential real estate and real estate financing. They were recommended by Perlman & Perlman, attorneys specializing in nonprofit law retained by DGT in 2013. They successfully helped DGT emerge out of years of lack of full compliance with Federal, State and local non-profit law and taxation requirements. Mann & Wolf, in late 2019, recommended that DGT could fashion a better solution than the ground lease agreement being investigated by the Board. Plyler indicated that approach would unnecessarily tie up DGT’s property for decades and limit DGT’s control and access to the building in a manner somewhat short of what the Board had hoped.
In a March conference call with DGT’s President, Treasurer, Secretary and Tax Accountant (John Sattler, CPA PC of Sattler & Co.), Plyler indicated that Mann & Wolf could assist DGT to identify and obtain a financing solution along with property and design and construction management services within a framework that takes into account the substantial equity in the property, the potential marketability and profitability of renovated rental units, and our desire for continued use of the property for Gallery House and DGT reunions and meetings. A late March meeting of the full Board led to a consensus decision to obtain fee information and responses to additional questions. Plyler has responded with a retainer agreement proposal and detailed answers. DGT, now somewhat recovered from the assault of expenses in recent years to address building repairs and systems needs, is holding off a few weeks to ascertain the extent to which current tenants are able or not to maintain their rent payments in view of the Coronavirus epidemic and associated job losses. According to up to date bookkeeping, DGT has more than $20K in the bank, has reduced its credit card bill of $28K by half, and the balance is quickly being paid off. The Board, made up 100% of volunteers, is fully cognizant of its limitations to execute such a project with the inherent limitations of available personal time.
The Board plans to create a working group that includes Board members and an additional two to three DGT members who are Architects to help oversee the project and inform design solutions. DGT will likely also pursue the possibility that one of its members could function as the Architect for the project at a discounted fee if offered. The Board also invites, encourages and welcomes feedback from members on an ongoing basis. There will be hard decisions to be made even though considerable effort has been underway since 2013 to obtain and document member input on what should be done as DGT seeks to preserve key interior features, mostly on the Chapter/Bar Room Floor, and in the stairwell, that make the space memorable from a DGT history standpoint, but also functional for Gallery House. The Gallery House Internship Program is DGT’s current strategy for engaging and retaining a close and memorable community for today’s undergraduates. Correspondence to the 272 Clinton Avenue Working Group should be addressed to the President, with a cc to the Secretary,
Bro. Robert Zoller Transitions
Brother Robert E. Zoller passed on 1/24/2020 one day shy of his 73rd birthday after a 30 year battle with Parknson's. He was a member of the Spring '66 Pledge class, a class that gave as good as they got. Bob left Pratt to take on a number of blue collar jobs to escape academia. He eventually gravitated to the study of astrology. He studied Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Arabic so that he could study ancient texts in their original languages. He traveled extensively and lectured in a number of countries.
Brother Robert E. Zoller passed on 1/24/2020 one day shy of his 73rd birthday after a 30 year battle with Parknson's. He was a member of the Spring '66 Pledge class, a class that gave as good as they got. Bob left Pratt to take on a number of blue collar jobs to escape academia. He eventually gravitated to the study of astrology. He studied Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Arabic so that he could study ancient texts in their original languages. He traveled extensively and lectured in a number of countries. I did not see or hear much of him in our last few years. I knew he was ill, and suspected that one day I would get the call that I received last night. This is how I remember him warts and all.
It is my sad duty to report the passing of Brother Robert 'The Red' Zoller Barbarian, Philosopher and Scholar. He always had my back. He pushed me into a school of Philosophy, and changed my life. He pushed me into taking on the task of cleaning house and forming ΔΓΘ Α. He helped me save our House. He will be buried on February 8th 2020.
The devil has requested restraining orders on three continents. Violations are expected.
Semper Fortis my Friend.
Donald M. Hopkins, Jr. (Skeeter)
Graveside service will be held at 12:30 2/8/20 in Union Cemetery, Rt. 301, Kent Cliffs, N. Y. or contributions made to American Parkinson Disease Association. Memorial and Tribute Gifts Link:
DGT's Undergraduate Life Advances
2019 was a year of steady progress for Gallery House Internship Program. In January, 2020 up to eight 2019 interns will be invited to formally become Associate (undergraduate) members of DGT Alumni Association as part of a voluntary commitment to continue their involvement and interest in the program as they are able. Already, three of those eight have either served as a Coach or have volunteered to serve as a Coach to support the Gallery House Spring 2020 Semester Program.
Gallery House Fall 2019’s show, Remember Me, included spoken word
Ceramic Mug for Gallery House Graduates
2019 was a year of steady progress for Gallery House Internship Program. In January, 2020 up to eight 2019 interns will be invited to formally become Associate (undergraduate) members of DGT Alumni Association as part of a voluntary commitment to continue their involvement and interest in the program as they are able. Already, three of those eight have either served as a Coach or have volunteered to serve as a Coach to support the Gallery House Spring 2020 Semester Program. Responsibility for continuing the program is shifting to undergraduates with support from DGT Alumni. The date of the Gallery House Graduation for eight 2019 Interns and their induction as Associate Members is being set by the undergraduates and will be announced shortly. Interns to be celebrated through a graduation event are Traci Abbott, Devan Armeni, Meghan Aubuchon, Aron Cohen, Cassidy Jackson, Ren Peale, Dhwani Sikri, and Jordan Tacker. All graduates receive a certificate of program completion, and a mug with the Gallery House insignia for those volunteering as new Associate Members of DGT Alumni Association. Upon their graduation from Pratt, transfer to another institution or departure from Pratt for any other reason, Associate Members become full DGT Alumni Members.
In addition to the continuing success of the program in providing internships since Fall 2015, program graduates have begun to be part of the mix of tenants at the House. There has been at least one living there as a resident since Alexa Telano, a member of the Fall 2015 class, moved in for a period of several years. Our current tenant roster includes Samuel DiBiase, who moved in last year. Additional members have asked to be notified when a vacancy arises. DGT is hopeful that this trend will continue to return undergraduate life, involving DGT members, as part of the living experience at 272 Clinton Ave.
Another measure of success is the degree to which students were able to raise money and secure sponsors for their exhibit and the beneficiary organization they select. The Fall 2019 class raised at least $1,500. Final results will be available by mid-January. An anticipated development in Spring 2020 is for Gallery House to formally apply for and receive formal recognition as a student organization/club at Pratt. The threshold for number of current Pratt Students involved in the organization seeking recognition on campus has been surpassed. The Board stands ready to support undergraduates in any way that is helpful to make this a reality.
Gallery House to Benefit from Colors, a Night of Art + Charity (EVENT CANCELLED)
DGT Alumni Association members and family, including graduates of the Gallery House Internship Program, as well as members of the Pratt Institute and Pratt area community are all invited to a Colors Art Exhibition Fundraiser, a monthly event, which for the first time this month, on Monday, January 20, 2020, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, will benefit Gallery House Internship Program. The event, being co-sponsored by GHOST Luxury Fitness Lounge, The Butcher’s Daughter, Greenpoint Beer & Ale Co., Black Salt Events, and DJ Hot Grabba will be held at PIPS Ping Pong Studio, 275 S 2nd Street, Williamsburg, Brooklyn from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (This is a venue change from an earlier announcement) A $10 donation at the door is suggested.
DGT Alumni Association members and family, including graduates of the Gallery House Internship Program, as well as members of the Pratt Institute and Pratt area community are all invited to a Colors Art Exhibition Fundraiser, a monthly event, which for the first time this month, on Monday, January 20, 2020, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, will benefit Gallery House Internship Program. The event, being co-sponsored by GHOST Luxury Fitness Lounge, The Butcher’s Daughter, Greenpoint Beer & Ale Co., Black Salt Events, and DJ Hot Grabba will be held at PIPS Ping Pong Studio, 275 S 2nd Street, Williamsburg, Brooklyn from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (This is a venue change from an earlier announcement) A $10 donation at the door is suggested.
Emanuel Casablanca, a guitarist and songwriter, described as the “bad boy of blues,” envisions Colors Art Exhibition Fundraisers continuing to build on the success of its events in supporting Artist and Art groups, and graciously invited Gallery House to be the beneficiary organization for the month of January, 2020. DGT members in the New York City Metropolitan Area are all invited and encouraged to come to the event, which will benefit Gallery House, a program of the DGT Foundation.
DGT Alumni Association Annual Reunion and Exhibit 2019
Somethings Random, a showing of various works by Christopher Duggan will take place, Saturday, October 26, from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. as part of the 2019 Annual Alumni Reunion and Exhibit of the DGT Alumni Association. Register at Eventbrite
Somethings Random, a showing of various works by Christopher Duggan will take place, Saturday, October 26, from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. as part of the 2019 Annual Alumni Reunion and Exhibit of the DGT Alumni Association. Register at Eventbrite
Saturday, October 26: Alumni Day at the House will Feature the Art of Chris Duggan, a One-man Show.
Save the date! Come one, come all, bring along family, friends and fans of DGT and Gallery House! More details will follow. However, mark your calendar. Following a late morning quarterly membership meeting, 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the House will be open at 2:00 for a Reception lasting until 6:00 p.m. The afternoon will feature a one-man show of the Art of Bro. Chris Duggan, as well as a brief Graduation/Induction into DGT Alumni Association Ceremony for the four graduates of Spring 2019 Gallery House.
The four graduates of Spring 2019 Gallery House will be introduced and receive their certificates and a mug in a brief welcoming ceremony. Here they are pictured with their coach, Laura Arike, front right.
Save the date! Come one, come all, bring along family, friends and fans of DGT and Gallery House! More details will follow. However, mark your calendar. Following a late morning quarterly membership meeting, 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the House will be open at 2:00 for a Reception lasting until 6:00 p.m. The afternoon will feature a one-man show of the Art of Bro. Chris Duggan, as well as a brief Graduation/Induction into DGT Alumni Association Ceremony for the four graduates of Spring 2019 Gallery House. There will be light food, beer wine and refreshments as part of the afternoon merriment. Bring along a member who is a cohort within your time-frame as a student at Pratt and member of DGT, TDP, or Gallery House! Come and enjoy the show and a great family. Register for the event at Eventbrite
Saturday May 18: Strategic Plan Update Retreat
It’s Time to Get Serious at 272 Clinton Ave.
The DGT Alumni Association’s Board of Directors and as many members who wish to participate will gather at the House for an all-day, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. retreat to update the association’s 5-year Strategic Plan. Remote participation will be available via web-conference using a desktop, smartphone, land-phone (audio only/not ideal) or iPad. The update of the strategic plan, once adopted at a Membership Meeting, will determine the continuation of, or elimination of one or more of the four core strategies DGT has pursued since adopting it’s Strategic Plan in January 2014. Potentially one or more new core strategies could be added into the mix.
The tentative agenda breaks up the day into seven topics: Process Overview; Reviewing Internal and External Scans; Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis; Review of Mission, Vision and Values Statements; Updating DGT’s Core Strategies; Identifying Key Milestones and their Timelines; and Wrap Up/Next Steps. Lunch will be provided, as well as snacks and refreshments during a morning and a mid-afternoon break.
Shortly after the start of the retreat, during “Reviewing Internal and External Scans” important information will be provided about the status of ongoing conversations with Pratt Institute regarding options for financing the renovation of the property, including a strategic partnership involving co-ownership and use for the price of Pratt investing the resources required for complete renovation and restoration work envisioned in DGT’s Strategic Plan. There will also be late-breaking information about possibilities for developing a stronger partnership with Pratt in providing Gallery House Internships. Tom Fiorella, President, also has information about possible alternatives in line with re-establishing an under-graduate Greek-Letter Fraternity. This is also part of check-in conversations with Pratt Institute to develop internal and external information (scans) related to strategic planning.
Possible Strategic Partnership with Pratt or Others for Renovation of 272 Clinton Ave.
An important discussion took place during the New Business part of the agenda for the DGT Quarterly Membership Meeting, which took place on Saturday, April 27. Looking forward to the Strategic Planning Retreat, scheduled for Saturday May 18 to update the DGT Alumni Association’s Strategic Plan, the discussion centered around options for financing and carrying out the needed renovation of the property.
DGT endeavors to explore options for keeping the building that is filled with so many great memories
An important discussion took place during the New Business part of the agenda for the DGT Quarterly Membership Meeting, which took place on Saturday, April 27. Looking forward to the Strategic Planning Retreat, scheduled for Saturday May 18 to update the DGT Alumni Association’s Strategic Plan, the discussion centered around options for financing and carrying out the needed renovation of the property. To get a sense of the five concepts being discussed, please download the slides that guided the discussion either in PDF or Microsoft PowerPoint (TM). Please plan on participating in the retreat if you are in the NYC region and available on Saturday, May 18, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Your comments or questions, in the comment section, are welcome and encouraged.
Charting the Future: Some of the Challenges
After more than a decade of considerable effort, beginning around 2006, of fashioning a future for what were then called Delta Gamma Theta (fraternity) and Tau Delta Phi - Delta Gamma Theta Alumni Association, the question before the membership is are we on the right track? Should we continue and refine or should we radically change our strategies over the next five years?
By Gil Gerald
After more than a decade of considerable effort, beginning around 2006, of fashioning a future for what were then called Delta Gamma Theta (fraternity) and Tau Delta Phi - Delta Gamma Theta Alumni Association, the question before the membership is are we on the right track? Should we continue and refine or should we radically change our strategies over the next five years? Having personally been one of many who put in so much hard work, in my case since January 2013, it has been painful to raise the question with fellow board members, including all of its current officers. Of late, one-on-one and with the entire Board, I've tended to sound alarms. Even in light of all we have achieved, especially in implementing Gallery House, first conceived and started by Bro. Jon Levy, all I’ve spoken with have agreed that these questions are timely and appropriate for open discussion at the May 18, 2019 all-day retreat to update the DGT Alumni Association's Strategic Plan.
The short and sweet of the challenges are as follows:
DGT has yet to identify and develop a plan for obtaining the capital, much more than the $1.2 million estimated in 2013, for restoration and renovation work needed at 272 Clinton Ave. Preliminary review of capacity among its members to raise 60-70% or more through six figure donations does not look promising. Capital campaigns rely on large donations up front from a small proportion of potential donors (30% or less) for the greater part (70% or more) of the fundraising goal as well as to help drive smaller donations. In formulating the first plan, Pratt Institute, acting through former President Shutte, offered to support the Strategic Plan (‘we like it’) but they preferred to own the property and provide for some ‘creative way’ to ‘enshrine’ DGT there, with apparent implicit ability to provide continued access to the property for DGT functions. DGT did not pursue this option and I was also opposed as was the rest of DGT’s leadership.
Gallery House successfully engages three to four Pratt Institute students in a semester-long internship program geared to building their skills in designing, curating and promoting a design or fine arts exhibit. Students value the experience. However this success has not sufficiently or consistently translated into bonding, participation in, or commitment to DGT and its members as a social and professional networking group beyond the semester experience. A key hope was that Gallery House would serve as a gateway for engaging new members into the organization and help to continue it in this new programmatic form. Undergraduate members who completed Gallery House have included a large number of foreign students who return to their countries, and upperclassmen have not been clamoring to move into the House. Like many of us experienced upon graduation, our energy turned to building a career and establishing young families. Beyond serving as meeting space once a week and serving as exhibition space once a semester, the property is not used by undergraduates. Additionally, our alumni events have mixed results in terms of turnout. High or low turnout to Pratt Alumni Day seems to correlate with higher turnout of DGT Alumni stopping by the House on that day.
Burnout is setting in among the usually small corps of individuals, 5-7 in number, who manage the property and manage risks and finances, as well as handle legal requirements, meetings, documentation, communications, events and the constantly needed repairs. For this group in particular, although we enjoy working with each other, the payoff is limited in terms of hoped for results of efforts, mainly an influx of new blood and leadership for the future continuation and viability of the organization, as well as more active involvement of DGT alumni. Many ideas have been generated, such as those formulated by an Alumni Group that met online to develop plans. However, getting any one of these ideas off the ground itself requires new volunteers. On a personal note, I’ve been progressively stepping back and changing roles with the hope that doing so helps build and retain capacity within DGT to continue best practices in essential areas of governance, such as bookkeeping, tax filing with federal, state and local authorities. My window of physical presence in New York comes to a close in 2022, when I most probably will move to the Southwest USA.
Finally, there is some sense that I share with others that changes in the broader society and culture, as well as new technologies, have had a profound effect on how people engage socially and civically, not only during their college years, but throughout life, and that these changes underlie, at least in part, the continuing challenges we face to adapt and change as an organization. For at least two decades sociologist and others have published about this issue, such as in the Winter 1996 issue of the American Prospect. Since then expanded use of digital technology and the internet have piled on many additional implications.
There are a number of proposals that have recently emerged or re-emerged informally in conversation. Selling the property and shutting down or scaling back DGT has been mentioned. Also mentioned are donating or selling the property to Pratt with some exchange agreement that supports DGT Alumni Association’s continuation. Pratt has consistently said, through its Vice President of Student Affairs, that they would support a re-emergence of a fraternity for undergraduates if we were part of a national fraternity. That begs the question of course, is a fraternity in addition to the two on campus viable—is there a market for an additional one? We determined in 2012 that there was not. Before May 18, there will be conversation with members of Pratt Administration as part of an environmental (external) scan. It has been suggested that Gallery House could continue in as part of the mix of strategies to be followed for the next five years. Obviously these are heavy questions to visit and revisit.
Should there be a determination coming out of the retreat to recommend to the membership that DGT cease to exist or function as we now know it, there will have to be an orderly transition and timeline for carrying out the change. It would like require two readings of any resolution (two membership meetings to pass and then ratify the decision). Under law, as a non-profit, in disposing of its assets, DGT would have to give these to charity or to a charitable purpose.
In conclusion, this article, is in no way intending on suggesting that there is a majority of members or of board members who have predetermined that DGT should close its doors or who favor a particular change in strategy. It is a sincere assessment by the author that some serious discussion, examination and resolution is in order.
Results of design competition for placement of engraved bricks
More than a year ago DGT announced a design competition open to its membership. As a fundraising effort DGT endeavored to ask members to make a monetary contribution of $100 that would involve purchasing bricks engraved with their name or that of a member they would like to honor or remember. The campaign itself has generated $2,000, a good beginning. Two design entries were received, one from Tom Wong, Treasurer, and one from Vern Ford, immediate past Secretary. A resolution was proposed and passed, with both abstaining, to combine elements of both designs into one design solution.
More than a year ago DGT announced a design competition open to its membership. As a fundraising effort DGT endeavored to ask members to make a monetary contribution of $100 that would involve purchasing bricks engraved with their name or that of a member they would like to honor or remember. The campaign itself has generated $2,000, a good beginning. The competition called for incorporating engraved bricks in a new design for the rear patio area. Two design entries were received, one from Tom Wong, Treasurer, and one from Vern Ford, immediate past Secretary. A resolution was proposed and passed, with both abstaining, to combine elements of both designs into one design solution. Tom Wong’s design proposed the rebuilding of the low brick walls to the left and right of a set of steps between the patio and covered area below the kitchen. The brick walls, along with the steps would have the engraved bricks as facing. The design submitted by Vern Ford uses the engraved bricks to form a paving pattern for the patio that incorporates the logo used by Gallery House. The logo replicates a detail of the finished door frames in the Chapter and Bar rooms in the House. The design provides that the work can be done in phases as bricks are purchased and installed over time. See below for a list of Engraved Brick Campaign donors to date.
Engraved Brick Campaign Donors to Date
Lance Bottari, Carl Digregorio, Gil Gerald (2), Rod Finkle, Vern Ford (2), Christine Friello-Fini, Nelson Hernandez, Jonathan Chase Hill, Elycia Lerman (3), Fr. Michael Perry (2), Joseph Pierz, Jake Skoda, Tom Wong, Josh Yavelberg
Charting the Future: Some of the Challenges
After more than a decade of considerable effort, beginning around 2006, of fashioning a future for what were then called Delta Gamma Theta (fraternity) and Tau Delta Phi - Delta Gamma Theta Alumni Association, the question before the membership is are we on the right track? Should we continue and refine or should we radically change our strategies over the next five years?
By Gil Gerald
Between 1964 and 2006 272 Clinton Ave. served as a fraternity house for a brotherhood and sisterhood first established at Pratt Institute in 1898.
After more than a decade of considerable effort, beginning around 2006, of fashioning a future for what were then called Delta Gamma Theta (fraternity) and Tau Delta Phi - Delta Gamma Theta Alumni Association, the question before the membership is are we on the right track? Should we continue and refine or should we radically change our strategies over the next five years? Having personally been one of many who put in so much hard work, in my case since January 2013, it has been painful to raise the question with fellow board members, including all of its current officers. Of late, one-on-one and with the entire Board, I've tended to sound alarms. Even in light of all we have achieved, especially in implementing Gallery House, first conceived and started by Bro. Jon Levy, all I’ve spoken with have agreed that these questions are timely and appropriate for open discussion at the May 18, 2019 all-day retreat to update the DGT Alumni Association's Strategic Plan.
The short and sweet of the challenges are as follows:
DGT has yet to identify and develop a plan for obtaining the capital, much more than the $1.2 million estimated in 2013, for restoration and renovation work needed at 272 Clinton Ave. Preliminary review of capacity among its members to raise 60-70% or more through six figure donations does not look promising. Capital campaigns rely on large donations up front from a small proportion of potential donors (30% or less) for the greater part (70% or more) of the fundraising goal as well as to help drive smaller donations. In formulating the first plan, Pratt Institute, acting through former President Shutte, offered to support the Strategic Plan (‘we like it’) but they preferred to own the property and provide for some ‘creative way’ to ‘enshrine’ DGT there, with apparent implicit ability to provide continued access to the property for DGT functions. DGT did not pursue this option and I was also opposed as was the rest of DGT’s leadership.
Gallery House successfully engages three to four Pratt Institute students in a semester-long internship program geared to building their skills in designing, curating and promoting a design or fine arts exhibit. Students value the experience. However this success has not sufficiently or consistently translated into bonding, participation in, or commitment to DGT and its members as a social and professional networking group beyond the semester experience. A key hope was that Gallery House would serve as a gateway for engaging new members into the organization and help to continue it in this new programmatic form. Undergraduate members who completed Gallery House have included a large number of foreign students who return to their countries, and upperclassmen have not been clamoring to move into the House. Like many of us experienced upon graduation, our energy turned to building a career and establishing young families. Beyond serving as meeting space once a week and serving as exhibition space once a semester, the property is not used by undergraduates. Additionally, our alumni events have mixed results in terms of turnout. High or low turnout to Pratt Alumni Day seems to correlate with correspondingly higher or lower turnout of DGT Alumni stopping by the House on that day.
Burnout is setting in among the usually small corps of individuals, 5-7 in number, who manage the property and manage risks and finances, as well as handle legal requirements, meetings, documentation, communications, events and the constantly needed repairs. For this group in particular, although we enjoy working with each other, the payoff is limited in terms of hoped for results of efforts, mainly an influx of new blood and leadership for the future continuation and viability of the organization, as well as more active involvement of DGT alumni. Many ideas have been generated, such as those formulated by an Alumni Task Force Group that met online to develop plans. However, getting any one of these ideas off the ground itself requires new volunteers. On a personal note, I’ve been progressively stepping back and changing roles with the hope that doing so helps build and retain capacity within DGT to continue best practices in essential areas of governance, such as bookkeeping, tax filing with federal, state and local authorities. My window of physical presence in New York comes to a close in 2022, when I most probably will move to the Southwest USA.
Finally, there is some sense that I share with others that changes in the broader society and culture, as well as new technologies, have had a profound effect on how people engage socially and civically, not only during their college years, but throughout life, and that these changes underlie, at least in part, the continuing challenges we face to adapt and change as an organization. For at least two decades sociologist and others have published about this issue, such as in the Winter 1996 issue of the American Prospect. Since then expanded use of digital technology and the internet have piled on many additional implications.
There are a number of proposals that have recently emerged or re-emerged informally in conversation. Selling the property and shutting down or scaling back DGT has been mentioned. Also mentioned are donating or selling the property to Pratt with some exchange agreement that supports DGT Alumni Association’s continuation. Pratt has consistently said, through its Vice President of Student Affairs, that they would support a re-emergence of a fraternity for undergraduates if we were part of a national fraternity. That begs the question of course, is a fraternity in addition to the two on campus viable—is there a market for an additional one? We determined in 2012 that this was not apparently viable. Before May 18, there will be conversation with members of Pratt Administration as part of an environmental (external) scan. It has been suggested that Gallery House could continue as part of the mix of strategies to be followed for the next five years. Obviously these are heavy questions to visit and revisit.
Should there be a determination coming out of the retreat to recommend to the membership that DGT cease to exist or function as we now know it, there will have to be an orderly transition and timeline for carrying out the change. It would likely require two readings of any resolution (two membership meetings to pass and then ratify the decision). Under law, as a non-profit, in disposing of its assets, DGT would have to give these to charity or to a charitable purpose.
In conclusion, this article, is in no way intending on suggesting that there is a majority of members or of board members who have predetermined that DGT should close its doors or who favor a particular change in strategy. It is a sincere assessment by the author that some serious discussion, examination and resolution is in order.
- January 2022
July 2021
- Jul 29, 2021 Quarterly Membership Meeting
- May 2021
- February 2021
- January 2021
- October 2020
- May 2020
- April 2020
January 2020
- Jan 29, 2020 Bro. Robert Zoller Transitions
- Jan 7, 2020 DGT's Undergraduate Life Advances
- Jan 5, 2020 Gallery House to Benefit from Colors, a Night of Art + Charity (EVENT CANCELLED)
- October 2019
May 2019
- May 14, 2019 Saturday May 18: Strategic Plan Update Retreat
April 2019
- Apr 28, 2019 Possible Strategic Partnership with Pratt or Others for Renovation of 272 Clinton Ave.
- Apr 21, 2019 Charting the Future: Some of the Challenges
- Apr 15, 2019 Results of design competition for placement of engraved bricks
- Apr 15, 2019 Charting the Future: Some of the Challenges
- Apr 15, 2019 DGT acknowledges and thanks its members for their generosity in 2018
- Apr 7, 2019 Gallery House's spring 2019 exhibit is themed "It's Not Me, It's My Image"
February 2019
- Feb 26, 2019 DGT Calendar for 2019
- Feb 15, 2019 Gallery House engages in networking at CAA 2019 Conference
- Feb 13, 2019 DGT Alumni Association, Inc. elects its Board of Directors for 2019
January 2019
- Jan 23, 2019 Saturday, February 2: Board Elections
September 2018
- Sep 24, 2018 DGT Alumni Association’s Exhibit on Alumni Day
- August 2018
May 2018
- May 12, 2018 DGT Alumni Association's 2017 Annual Report
- May 11, 2018 DGT Foundation's 2017 Annual Report
- April 2018
March 2018
- Mar 13, 2018 DGT's Calendar Updated
- February 2018
January 2018
- Jan 28, 2018 Adam Colello, Laura Arike and Rddhima Goylan join the Ranks of Pratt Students and Graduates Committed to Continuing Gallery House Internship Program
- Jan 28, 2018 Elections and Financial Recap of 2017 Highlighted Annual Membership Meeting
- Jan 28, 2018 The Mug Story
- Jan 3, 2018 Dues are due; Maintain your Connection!
- Jan 1, 2018 May the "Spirit of Hanna, My Delta Gamma," Help Make 2018 a Great Year
- November 2017
- August 2017
- March 2017
January 2017
- Jan 6, 2017 Keep the Connection Going in 2017
- September 2016
- May 2016
- April 2016
February 2016
- Feb 17, 2016 Bookkeeper Wanted
- January 2016
- December 2015
- November 2015
- October 2015
September 2015
- Sep 25, 2015 Alumni Day 2015
- August 2015
- July 2015
- May 2015
Connecting current students and working professionals requires ongoing support of the Gallery House and Programs. Your support makes it all possible.