DGT's Undergraduate Life Advances
Gallery House Fall 2019’s show, Remember Me, included spoken word
Ceramic Mug for Gallery House Graduates
2019 was a year of steady progress for Gallery House Internship Program. In January, 2020 up to eight 2019 interns will be invited to formally become Associate (undergraduate) members of DGT Alumni Association as part of a voluntary commitment to continue their involvement and interest in the program as they are able. Already, three of those eight have either served as a Coach or have volunteered to serve as a Coach to support the Gallery House Spring 2020 Semester Program. Responsibility for continuing the program is shifting to undergraduates with support from DGT Alumni. The date of the Gallery House Graduation for eight 2019 Interns and their induction as Associate Members is being set by the undergraduates and will be announced shortly. Interns to be celebrated through a graduation event are Traci Abbott, Devan Armeni, Meghan Aubuchon, Aron Cohen, Cassidy Jackson, Ren Peale, Dhwani Sikri, and Jordan Tacker. All graduates receive a certificate of program completion, and a mug with the Gallery House insignia for those volunteering as new Associate Members of DGT Alumni Association. Upon their graduation from Pratt, transfer to another institution or departure from Pratt for any other reason, Associate Members become full DGT Alumni Members.
In addition to the continuing success of the program in providing internships since Fall 2015, program graduates have begun to be part of the mix of tenants at the House. There has been at least one living there as a resident since Alexa Telano, a member of the Fall 2015 class, moved in for a period of several years. Our current tenant roster includes Samuel DiBiase, who moved in last year. Additional members have asked to be notified when a vacancy arises. DGT is hopeful that this trend will continue to return undergraduate life, involving DGT members, as part of the living experience at 272 Clinton Ave.
Another measure of success is the degree to which students were able to raise money and secure sponsors for their exhibit and the beneficiary organization they select. The Fall 2019 class raised at least $1,500. Final results will be available by mid-January. An anticipated development in Spring 2020 is for Gallery House to formally apply for and receive formal recognition as a student organization/club at Pratt. The threshold for number of current Pratt Students involved in the organization seeking recognition on campus has been surpassed. The Board stands ready to support undergraduates in any way that is helpful to make this a reality.