Quarterly Meeting Notice and Invitation to Induction and Celebratory Lunch for New Undergraduate Members
Asa Maria Camnert and Aigerim Mukhambetova, Gallery House Program's Lead Coaches, will formally recommend three Pratt undergraduate students for induction as Associate (undergraduate) members of DGT Alumni Association, Inc. The three will receive the honorary letters, Delta Gamma Theta for their accomplishments in Gallery House Program, Spring 2018.
DGT Alumni Association, Inc. serves notice that the next Quarterly Membership Meeting of the DGT Alumni Association will be held Saturday, April 28, starting at noon, eastern. The agenda normally includes reviewing reports from the officers, including the Treasurer, as well as reports from the Property Manager and Gallery House Internship Program’s Lead Coach. Anticipated old business and new business items include:
Old Business
- Rear Patio Design Competition
- Alumni Program Task Force Report, including adoption of its recommendations
- Landscaping the Front Yard
- Updating the Strategic Plan
New Bussines
- No items under new business have been requested as of the date of this notice.
The meeting will be held at 272 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11205. Members, including Associate (undergraduate) Members, can also participate via web-conference..
The meeting will start at 12:00 p.m. Eastern. It is scheduled to last no more than 90 minutes, adjourning to Good and Welfare at 1:30 P.M. The meeting will be followed at 2:00 p.m. by an induction ceremony for three new undergraduate members, the participants in spring 2018 Gallery House Program. Starting at 3:00 p.m. the new members will be further welcomed during a celebratory late lunch at Putnam’s Pub & Corker, located at the corner of Myrtle and Clinton Ave. in Brooklyn. All DGT members are invited. Please indicate by email to ggerald@dgtaa.org if you intend to participate since an accurate count is needed as the reservations for late lunch are updated so that everyone can be accommodated. Excluding wine, beer or mixed drinks from the bar, expect a cost of $20 to $25 for meal selections on the menu.
Gil Gerald, Secretary
DGT Alumni Association, Inc.
P.S. if you intend to participate in the late lunch at Putnam’s, please RSVP to ggerald@dgtaa.org