Dues are due; Maintain your Connection!
With your active participation as a dues paying member, DGT Alumni Association will continue on a path of progress that has been followed since re-organizing efforts in 2012 and 2013. If you have already sent in your $10 dues for 2018, thank you! If you haven’t yet done so, the month of January has been designated for when dues are renewed. Please use a convenient link to PayPal to make the payment.
Your dues payment of $10, less than the cost of most meals at eating establishments, provides for the maintenance of ‘connection’ begun in our undergraduate years at Pratt. It supports communication, and the maintenance of records that make and sustain the ability to keep the connection going. Dues support the mission of the DGT Alumni Association.
As active dues paying members, DGT Alumni can elect to participate in one annual and three quarterly membership meetings and cast votes on motions that are then implemented by a Board of Directors during the intervening months. Active dues paying members can also hold office, and our new digital world is making it possible for interested members who do not live in New York to hold office and participate in the governance of DGT Alumni Association. All meetings involve web-conferencing.
Members’ ability to volunteer and participate more actively does vary as time, circumstances and geography allow. However, your dues payment does provide valuable moral support to members who at some given point in their lives are able to be relatively or significantly more active. These individuals, to the best of their ability, are a an extension of you in the effort to give back and make it possible for our connection to be maintained and enhanced, and also for a very special group of current Pratt Students to have a memorable experience they will carry for the rest of their lives.
Do take a moment, it’s easy, via PayPal. Otherwise, if it is your preference, please enclose a check for $10 to DGT Alumni Association, 272 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11205, to the attention of Tom Wong, Treasurer. Thank you!
P.S. The next annual meeting is at 12:00 p.m. (Eastern), Saturday, January 27, 2018.