Adam Colello, Laura Arike and Rddhima Goylan join the Ranks of Pratt Students and Graduates Committed to Continuing Gallery House Internship Program
On Saturday, January 27, In a brief afternoon ceremony, the graduates of the fall 2017 Gallery House Internship Program, joined the ranks of the graduates of fall 2015, spring 2016 and fall 2016 committed to help continue the program, in a volunteer capacity, as they are able. Adam Colello and Laura Arike, Pratt Institute sophomores, and Rddhima Goylan, a senior, opted, as have 100% of the program's graduates since 2015, to demonstrate their satisfaction with the program and their interest to see this student-run program continue. Participating in the ceremony were officers of the DGT Alumni Association, and Asa Maria Camnert and Aika Mukhambetova, who recently received graduate degrees from Pratt Institute and served as coaches for the fall 2017 Internship Program. Asa and Aika are graduates of the fall 2016 Gallery House Internship Program.
Rddhima Goylan, Laura Arike and Adam Colello
Gallery House, a program of the DGT Foundation, is a semester-long Internship Program in which students earn academic credit for participating in an experiential learning opportunity that involves planning, curating and promoting an art or design exhibit benefiting a charity of their choosing. The class of fall 2017 produced 'Yesterday's Tomorrow' benefiting the Children's Arts Guild. The DGT Foundation is the educational and charitable arm of the DGT Alumni Association, and organization dating to 1898 with living members who graduated from Pratt Institute in the 1950s through the present. Since 2006 a former local fraternity has engaged in the process of transformation to meet the leadership development and professional networking needs of students in a new 21'st Century era and as a response to the changing culture and demographics of Pratt Institute.
The celebration for the Gallery House class of 2017 concluded with dinner at Putnam's Pub & Corker on Myrtle Ave.